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  2. Energy hub

Offshore oil and gas

Photo: Bent Medvind

Do you want to know more?

Uffe Lundgaard

Head of Business & Invest

Contact Uffe

Since the 1970s, Esbjerg has developed an extensive supply chain for the upstream offshore oil and gas industry. Esbjerg serves as a service provider port for the Danish oil and gas sector, with 19 oil and gas installations in the Danish North Sea.

Knowledge and skills within engineering, production, operation & maintenance, and component suppliers help the offshore oil and gas industry keep up production and secure a safe environment for this complex industry. In Esbjerg, we have many suppliers servicing the oil and gas industry, as well as safety training facilities for safety standard training, machine engineer school, university, and AMU school for educating staff for the oil and gas and offshore industry on all skill levels.


As oil and gas will slowly decline in the Danish North Sea, investigation and testing for Carbon Capture Storage opportunities are being exploited. Two pilot projects, Project Greensand and Bifrost, are ongoing and will determine if CCS is durable in the old reservoirs in the North Sea. This will unlock new possibilities for the oil and gas business in Esbjerg and Denmark to secure carbon emission reduction in Europe.


With the renovation of the Tyra gas field in the Danish North Sea, Denmark will continue contributing to the energy supply of Europe and secure Danish self-sufficiency from natural gas for many years to come. The renovation is expected to be finished in the year 2023.

More information on the Tyra II project