Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med et af de fysisk hårdeste sportsgrene?
Så find dit sportstøj frem, og slå dig løs til vores Squash arrangement ved EGF hallen i Esbjerg og få en sjov og aktiv aften.
Turneringen vil vare omkring 2 timer, hvor du vil lære det grundlæggende squash og spille mod en masse andre medstuderende.
Efter aktiviteten står vi klar med aftensmad og drikkevarer. Vi bestiller pizza. Har man allergier eller andet er man velkommen til selv at tage mad med. Der er køleskab til opbevaring.
- 16.15 – Mødes vi ved EGF hallen til en kort introduktion af squash
- 16.30 – Introduktion til squash og spil
- 18.30 – Aftensmad og drikke
- 19.15 – tak for i dag.
OBS. Husk at tilmelde dig med din studie mail.
English below
Do you want to try one of the most physical sports in the world?
So find your sporting clothes and let loose at our Squash event at the EGF hall in Esbjerg and have a fun and active evening.
The tournament will last around 2 hours, where you will learn the basic within squash and play against a lot of other fellow students.
After the event, we will be ready with pizza and drinks. Do you have allergies or other preferences, you are more than welcome to bring your on food. The is a fridge available.
- 16.15 – are we meeting at the EGF hall for a short introduction to the squash game.
- 16.30 – here we are going to be divided up in teams and the tournament starts
- 18.30 – here we are going to get dinner and something to drink
- 19.15 – thank you for today
Attention – remember to sign up with your student email.